31 Oct Guacamole brain dip with spooky crisps

Fooddeco teamed up with Avocados from Peru (AFP) and the World Avocado Organization to celebrate the love of avocados with four ‘Avoween’ recipes!

1 small cauliflower
your favourite guacamole
4 (multi grain) tortilla wraps
2 tbsp. olive oil
curry powder (could be replaced by paprika powder)
Necessity: Halloween molds (if possible use different Halloween shapes) and baking paper

Remove the leaves from the cauliflower and cut a slice from the top so it can stand upside down. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Use the olive oil and cover all tortillas (on both sides) with the oil. Take as much spooky Halloween shapes out of the tortilla’s wraps as possible. Put them on an oven plate covered with the baking paper. Sprinkle them with some curry powder. Bake the wrap figures until they are crispy in about 7 minutes (every oven is different). Meanwhile wash the cauliflower. Remove as much of the stem as possible. Prepare your favourite (or use store bought) guacamole and stuff the cauliflower with the guacamole.

Serve the tortilla crisps with the cauliflower brain dip!


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